Diet Week 9

This week I have unfortunately not had enough time to fit in my 30 day shred exercises which I started recently. I have however been super busy house wise and revamped my office and cleared the garden. My list of house jobs is nearly finished!

I also found time to be very sociable this week and went out for lunch three times and had a chinese take away with my mum! oops!

But all my house work must have paid off as I still managed to loose some weight this week. It’s not much but as long as the scales are going down I don’t mind.

My portions are still small and I think that is what has made this biggest difference overall. This week I tried a lovely tapas meal with this accompaniment which I would highly recommended: Spanish Green Beans and Tomatoes.

Normally I feel really good when I loose weight but I haven’t felt like that this week. I think it is because I have seen my friends. In my head I am still myself at a size 8 and when I go shopping I still find myself shocked that I need to buy much bigger clothes now! It’s like I am confused when I see a picture of myself or I look into the mirror and I see this larger person staring back. Seeing my friends so tiny makes me realise that I am not! But I must remind myself that I am on the road to weight loss and maybe one day (hopefully soon) I might just be able to fit into a couple pairs of my old jeans.

This week I lost 1.2lbs.

Me, diet week 9:

Photo on 18-08-2013 at 21.35

I know this picture below was a very long time ago, a few years ago now and I was young, but my chin used to be defined and my face was less chubby! That’s what I want right now!!!


Weight loss to date: 8.9lbs