My Week at a Glance #6


Out and About 

We went to a soft play centre again this week when it was a little chilly outside, we’ve been quite a few times now in the past couple weeks so I am going to try and give it a miss for a little while now the sun is out. I then wanted to get out and do something fun so I decided to create a Natural Trail for Molly, I will do another post on this with all the details. Despite it being a little windy, it was lovely to be outdoors and just walk together. We went on a beautiful walk last week which inspired my idea. On Sunday we visited an animal farm where I learned that Molly loves owls as that was the only animal she wanted to look at. Every time it hooted she told me it had a bad cough and needed it’s Mummy, the comparison was very cute!

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Fun at Home 

I wanted to try and do some more fun things at home this week and just enjoy being in our house after most of our time being spent away from home recently. Simple activities such as water play in the garden let Molly play freely and create her own games. We woke up really early on Friday morning so we baked cakes for breakfast! Molly had picked up a Peppa Pig baking set a couple weeks ago and I had completely forgot about it so we made some little cupcakes. Molly virtually did the whole process on her own and really enjoyed it, so I am hoping to discover some healthy treats that she can make by herself. We also made aliens with paper cups and painted Molly’s hands to create pictures. I think she must love this as she tells me about it frequently.



Time for Me

I haven’t really had any time for myself this week although I have finally started to work on Molly’s bedtime routine so I do create some ‘me’ time each evening. We haven’t got it quite cracked yet but we are defiantly making progress whereby she is starting to go to sleep each night in her own bed so I am squeezing in an episode of Sex and the City before I go to sleep!

Next Week I Would Like to… 

Next week I would like to continue sticking to our routine and progress on it some more. I would like to get creative with making our own play dough, go on a picnic and do some more cooking with Molly.

What Katy Said