About Me

I am Francesca, a twenty-four mum of one. My daughter, Molly Amaya, was born on the 31st of December 2012. I live with my baby girl in Somerset, although we have just moved from the house in which she was born we will soon be moving again to have our long term home together. Her father and I split when she was six months old but we are on good terms and she still gets to go and spend time with him regularly.

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I have finally finished my Bsc Mathematics degree at The University of Plymouth. University was not easy for me, I had lots of hurdles to jump on the way. In my second year my father passed away and half way through my final year Molly was born. I am so proud to say that I passed my degree and managed to learn how to juggle emotions and work (on no sleep!).

I used to be obsessed with handbags, high heels, make up, and partying every weekend, but now I am totally obsessed with my beautiful baby and my perfect world revolving around her.


Although I wish I could spend so much more time with Molly, especially whilst she is still so young, but I have just started my career and work in the finance department for a major shoe company. I want to jump on the ladder and get my career moving forward before I settle down. Leaving one baby whilst I go to work is hard enough so I one day hope to have my own business where I can work around my children.

I am very close with my family, but sadly I lost my Dad three years ago to Asbestos related Cancer. I think of him every day and will always try to make him proud.

But now I am beginning my own family. Molly is growing into a beautiful and bright little toddler. Together we are making memories every day and recording them right here. This is my journey of adding up to be mum!

Addingup2bemum is a lifestyle and parenting blog with some tasty meals thrown in too, where I share my stories, photographs and top tips/techniques along the way.

I would love to hear from you with your comments or your working in partnership opportunities.